For information on the bankruptcy court:
US Bankruptcy Court for Arkansas
For information on how to make payments, visit your assigned Trustee’s website:
Chapter 13 Trustee: Jack W. Gooding
Chapter 13 Trustee: Mark T. McCarty
Chapter 13 Trustee: Joyce Bradley Babin
If you have insurance through your Chapter 13 plan, here is a link to Priority Insurance’s information:
Priority Insurance (Jack W. Gooding)
Priority Insurance (Mark T. McCarty)
Priority Insurance (Joyce Bradley Babin)
To monitor your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy payments, visit:
National Data Center – Debtor Registration & Instructions
Trying to figure out how much your vehicle is worth? We suggest using NADA Guides:
NADA Guides
Check your free credit report from each of the credit agencies once a year here:
Annual Credit Report
For more information on checking and rebuilding your credit, see the three credit reporting agencies: