Do I need an attorney to file bankruptcy?

No, but it is highly recommended that you hire an attorney to guide you through the process and prepare the paperwork for you. Even the Federal Judiciary recommends that you hire an attorney:

“Individuals can file bankruptcy without an attorney, which is called filing pro se. However, seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended because bankruptcy has long-term financial and legal outcomes.”

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary

If you are experiencing any financial problems, we suggest talking to an attorney before making any decisions. We provide free consultations so that you can fully understand your options before deciding to file.

Will I have to appear in front of a judge?

Typically, no. In both kinds of bankruptcy, you will simply meet with a trustee near the start of your case, who will ask you some questions under oath. The trustee is just another attorney, not a judge. Your attorney will be present with you during this meeting and can help you in case you need help answering a question or providing information to the trustee.

How much does Bankruptcy cost?

The cost of a bankruptcy will vary depending on what type of bankruptcy you file.

For a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, our price starts at $1,200.00 for non-business cases. This amount includes all costs associated with your bankruptcy: court fees, required classes, credit reports, and attorney fees. The Chapter 7 fee can be paid all at once or paid out over time prior to filing.

For a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, attorney fees are paid through a monthly payment to a trustee. However, filing costs typically range from $400.00 to $450.00. This includes court fees, required classes, credit reports, and tax transcripts. Typically, we can file a case for as little as $100.00 down.

The cost of a bankruptcy will vary depending on what type of bankruptcy you file.

Yes, there are different kinds of bankruptcy and you may qualify for more than one kind. Our firm handles Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. For more information, please see our Services page or give us a call today for a free consultation at 501-760-0882.

Are there different kinds of Bankruptcy?

Yes, there are different kinds of bankruptcy and you may qualify for more than one kind. Our firm handles Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. For more information, please see our Services page or give us a call today for a free consultation at 501-760-0882.

What kind of financial problems can Bankruptcy help with?

Vehicle Repossessions Foreclosures Lawsuits and Wage Garnishments Credit Card Debt Medical Debt Taxes Harassment from Creditors Loss or change of Income

What is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is a legal means to financial relief. It is designed to help people that have fallen on hard times whether they are behind on payments or just struggling to make their payments each month.