My tax refund was taken, can you get it back?

If your refund was taken before you filed, then no. If your refund was taken after you filed, then we may be able to get it back, but this is something you will want to discuss with us.

A creditor is still contacting me, what should I do?

If your case was only recently filed, it is likely that the creditor may not have received notice yet. However, if it continues, please let us know so that we can contact the creditor and put a stop to it.

Can I add bills after I filed?

Yes, any bills that were owed before you filed may be added in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, the courts charge a small fee to add bills after the petition is filed. We will work with you to make sure that any missing bills are added while trying to minimize the cost to you.

How long do I have to do my second course?

The second course must be completed before you can receive your discharge. We recommend taking the second course as soon as you can after your case is filed to make sure that it is done on time.

What is a reaffirmation agreement?

A reaffirmation agreement is paperwork from one of your creditors that allows you to keep debts like home mortgages and vehicle loans in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We will work with you and your creditors to make sure that any reaffirmation agreements are complete and filed with the court.