When you file bankruptcy, your creditors are notified via mail and they are supposed to stop contacting you. If you have only recently filed, creditors may have not yet updated their system to stop contacting you. However, if this continues, please let us know so that we can contact the creditor and get it stopped.
If you miss your first trustee meeting, it will automatically be rescheduled for the following month. If you miss more than one meeting, your case can be dismissed. If you know you are unable to attend your meeting, please contact us ASAP.
For a Ch. 7 bankruptcy, generally after you attend your meeting, you are just waiting for your discharge. This is typically a few months after the meeting. In rare cases, the trustee may require additional information after the meeting, and we will contact you to discuss this.
For a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, once you have attended your meeting, the trustee may confirm (i.e. approve) your plan after about a month if no objections are filed. If the trustee or a creditor files an objection, we will help you get the objection resolved.
Your meeting with the trustee will usually consist of a few standard questions under oath with your attorney present. Most meetings only take a few minutes. Most trustees require a few basic documents regarding identification and income prior to the meeting. We will help you get these documents to the trustee.
You will receive a letter, shortly after your case is filed, with the time and date of the meeting. Right now, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, meetings are being held by phone and your letter will include that telephone number and access code.
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